this is me — BROWN EYED FOX

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this is me

carissa fox


Why the “brown eyed fox”?
I got my brown eyes from my parents at birth & my Fox name from my hubby.
Kind of silly, kind of fun, and at the time my gran-mama thought it was a hoot!
I'm a mom of two pretty darn awesome daughters...
one a Baylor bear and one a high school senior.
Been married to my Indiana raised hubby for twenty three years.
He is the toast to my avocado… we balance each other out perfectly.
Better together for sure.
A born & raised Texan, but have been lucky enough, since being married,
to get to live in and experience life in Ohio, Kentucky, Colorado and Wyoming.
Now that we're back living in Texas, looking back on it all… it was such a GIFT!!
 If someone asked me to describe myself... I think i'd have a heck of a time.
I feel like we're all so multi leveled & layered. Really... aren't we?
So many parts, pieces and experiences have shaped us to make us who we are,
and yet with each day, we change a bit more.
Always learning... always evolving. Pretty special how God made us... each so unique.
I like things simple... not a lot of fluff. 
In what I put on in the morning and what I surround myself with at home.
I tend to go for neutral with maybe a little pop of something.
Be it a touch of color... a surprise... a twist.
Currently I get to spend much of my time doing what I love most.
Getting to be mom to our girls… making and tweaking our home...
serving where and when I can… learning to be a better me.
All the while seeing where God leads.
I feel blessed to get to set my feet on the floor each morning
and see all He has in store.
The good, the not so good, the down right wonderful... it's ALL a blessing.
This is a place I share my thoughts... our home… some favorite things…
and often times the heart I wear on my sleeve.
Although this is a small peek into our everyday and home.
I do my best to let it reflect us... who we are... who we pray to BE.
THANK YOU for stopping by... for taking a peek... I love that you did!
blessings + hugs